Monday, December 24, 2012

Working with Cascade (2) - This is not the QML you know

Cascade supports QML syntax for UI creation. If you think this QML is the same as the QML we know from Nokia, think again.

One significant difference is the layout concept. Unlike the anchor concept for pure QML, Cascade offers three types of layout, Stack/Dock/Absolute. AbsoluteLayout is like using x,y for pure QML, Stack and Dock abstracts the layout to make it device-independent. At first StackLayout feels like Row/Column elements to me and I naturally looked for padding property to have spacing between the contained elements. The correct approach for StackLayout is to use the StackLayoutProperty to specify spaceQuota. The naming is obscured, it really is layoutPriority. The elements of the same priority are given equal amount of space. Keep this in mind when you first experiment with the layout.

The Eclipse IDE in the native SDK has QML preview feature similar to QtCreator. Unfortunately, Eclipse cannot handle Qt C++ components in attachedObjects so once you have them in your code, you can say goodbye to the preview feature. Therefore, I strongly suggest getting your UI right before connecting the bones of your Cascade app.

Speaking of IDE, in QtCreator the assets (like images, QML, splash screen, icons) are specified within .pro file. In Cascade, these are all specified in a bar-descriptor.xml. Two options not immediately obvious from the GUI interface is theme and run-in-background. They are configured by:

    <!-- Dark theme. -->
    <env var="CASCADES_THEME" value="dark"/>
    <!-- Run in background. -->

Working with BlackBerry Cascade (1) - viewpoints from Nokia burning platforms

As mentioned in another article, I ported one of my apps to BlackBerry 10. In retrospect, I could have done this a lot sooner. But three months ago, the dev tool and documentation were not as mature as now so maybe that also hampered my progress.

I came from the burning platform that is Nokia. So my app was pure Qt/QML with heavy use of Qt components for UI. If you are of the same background, I hope my experience in porting to BB10 might be helpful to you.

First of all, you need to decide upfront which development environment you want to use:BlackBerry's

  • Cascade: You need to use BlackBerry Native SDK.
  • Pure Qt/QML: Use QtCreator 2.6+, all you need to know about making QtCreator 2.6+ works with BlackBerry 10 is at
    (I believe you can also use BB native SDK for pure QML now, but never tried that route.)

There are different issues for the two approaches, in my case they are:
  • Cascade: Learning Cascade, rewrite UI, more #ifdef in C++ for blackberry specific codes 
  • Pure Qt/QML:
    • I couldn't get QML Text component to use the text style I wanted.
    • Have to work around the lack of native BB10 Qt components, either by compiling Qt components for BB10 (there are pre-compiled libraries available on BlackBerry developer forum, but I never succeeded in using them. Nor have I been able to compile them from source), or by re-implementing the UI elements (which was not feasible for me....).
Whichever route you choose, you need to registered for code signing keys. I will skip the step since you can easily find reference on it. For pure Qt/QML, QtCreator 2.6 is good enough and if not for the font issue I encountered I might choose that. I ended up working with Cascade, and one thing I learned about Cascade was I felt the QML part was at times an afterthought. QML is kind of like an wrapper, but it is even more so in Cascade. Instead of thinking that you are working in javascript, think of using Cascade QML as if you are working in an "virtual machine" encapsulated in Qt C++. One powerful thing I learned is, the "attachedObjects" property is the bridge to expose Qt C++ objects directly into QML [1]. So instead of searching for QML elements to use in... well QML, you search for Qt C++ class to plug into attachedObjects scope. Or you can extend a class in C++ then register it into QML. The concept is different for me, and after stop thinking "why did BlackBerry implement like this," I started getting better progress.

Between beta and gold SDK, BlackBerry has added a few very useful elements in C++. This means that Qt elements such as QueryDialog{}, Sheet{} etc. have comparable elements in Cascade, just that you need to instantiate them in attachedObjects scope, not elsewhere. Gold SDK also simplified list manipulation and now header/data are just a string definition apart. Speaking of list manipulation, Cascade has separate DataAccess/DataSource class to populate list. In theory they are convenient but in reality, I found the lack of callback functions can limit their usefulness, e.g. if the data fetched is decorated with // for comment the DataSource ignores the data. Also Cascade uses indexPath, a QVariantList to specify the hierarchy within the list, and this can be confusing when you have headers. Cascade list provides more complex use cases, for example it offers context menu. One problem you will immediately find is that context menu seems to be isolated in its own scope and cannot access anything above it if you use "id.function()" syntax. There is a solution [2], and I found that context menu does have access to ListItemData property [3]. All API document can be conveniently found at [3], and a few useful UI component tutorials are at [4][5][6]. If you encounter any problem, first search BlackBerry developer forum. It is full of information and people there are willing to help.

Last but not least, there are free in-app icons available for BB10, courtesy of Myers Design [7]. I remember reading there is another one, but Myers' icons are awesome for me so I didn't search further.

Hope the above info is helpful. If you have questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment! Happy coding!

[2] "ContextActions inside ListItem can not access ContextProperty in QMLDocument" 
[3] "Cascade API documentation"
[4] "Cascade System Dialogs"
[5] "Cascade Sample Apps"
[6] "List Manipulation"
[7] "Free BB10 in-app icons"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ported BabyTime to BB10!

The release of gold BlackBerry native SDK really helped me get up to speed with Cascade development. And I finally ported my simpler app, BabyTime, to BlackBerry 10. Hurray!

Before that, I was struggling with Cascade development. Mainly it was the debugging, I forget why but I had a difficult time figuring out why the Cascade QML interface did not work. At one point I even gave up on Cascade and looked into pure Qt/QML approach. The problem with that was, I had to re-implement Qt components... and also for reasons I never figured out, the font style could not be changed for QML Text element. That was the final straw for Qt/QML and I went back to Cascade.

This was also the time when I tried revisiting the alpha device simulator. Again I forget the reason why I didn't use device simulator in the first place, but I didn't have any issue with gold SDK device simulator. To me that was the key turning point because it is faster to debug and experiment with UI layouts. Another key is I worked on BabyTime instead of Stockona. BabyTime is my second proper Qt app, and with the experience I complete separated the UI and the SQL backend to QML and Qt C++. This helped immensely because I could focus on re-implementing the UI in Cascade. The C++ SQL backend needed some changes because of the API differences between Qt AbstractModel and Cascade GroupDataModel. Even that was relatively minor, and this experience really makes me a believer of pure Qt C++ backend. 

My experience so far tells me to minimize code changes between Meego/Symbian and BB10, unsurprisingly, is to put database, network and list manipulation in Qt C++. More info about the porting experience will be documented in another article.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

BabyTime - Timer utility for tracking baby activities

BabyTime is an itzbeen-clone, a timer utility for tracking baby's daily activities. It includes four timers to keep track of baby's diaper/feed/sleep schedules, a side reminder and sliders to record bottle-feed volume. Paid version can also save logs for easy reference.

The app is currently undergoing Nokia Store QA.
Once it's available, please report bugs and suggestions through comments or email me at:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reminder for Stockona users about impending closure of Google Finance API

Just a friendly reminder to Stockona users:

Google will terminate Finance API on Oct 25, and Google portfolio will no longer works afterwards. For Harmattan and Symbian users, this means you need to set "Bypass Google login" to continue using Stockona. A future update will eliminate Google authentication. For Maemo 5 users, unfortunately this will be the end of the road since I didn't implement local portfolio feature in Maemo 5's version.

I am aware there is an app to run Harmattan app on Maemo 5 and Qt component for fremantle. My N900 died so I cannot test them myself, but I am open to provide the necessary support for people to experiment with those options. If you are interested, contact me through

Thanks again for using Stockona, and as always feedback are welcomed.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

BlackBerry 10 Alpha Device B and info from BlackBerry Jam 2012

Another developer device to play with! I got lucky since I received the notification on the 2nd day of BBJam. Anyway, thanks for the good folks at BB.

Having a device is easier to understand the various Cascade UI elements. I am still not a fan of the native SDK, but one thing it does exceptionally well is the app deployment on device. Fast and generally reliable.

I am looing into porting my app "Stockona" to BB10. Attending BBJam proved pretty helpful for me to quick gather the information. Below is the summary of what I learned, some of them you probably know:

  1. Cannot mix regular QML items with Cascade ones. So developers have to choose upfront which one you want to use. For QML/Qt C++ you will use QtCreator for development, for Cascade use native SDK.
  2. Be prepared for a significant UI re-write if you use Cascade elements. 
  3. ListView manipulation is less straightforwards in Cascade. The API are a little messy, sometimes you have to populate list in Qt C++ and sometimes you can use DataSource in QML to feed the model. Also I feel DataSource should have a callback method....
  4. I'm just at the beginning but so far I find these QML-Cascade elements somewhat similar:
    Rectangle - Container
    SelectionDialog - DropDown
    I will keep track of this list in another post as I progress along the porting.
  5. No BlackBerry's own Qt components in the near future at least due to resource issue. But seems like it is something they are considering this and plan to offer Qt components eventually.

  1. No Qt5 on device at launch. 
  2. BlackBerry's current management team is fairly committed to Qt and do plan to be the Qt mobile platform.

As for BB10, the beta3 software is still an early release. App-wise not much to see if you don't interact with PIM and BBM. I overheard some people complaining about touch sensitivity issue on Alpha device. Well, I notice that but I think BlackBerry will make significant refinements before the launch release.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blackberry 10 Alpha simulator black screen/not working?

I have been trying to install BB's IDE to try out Cascade but couldn't get simulator to work until today. Dumb me... because I found out I used wrong VMPlayer version. BB already stated VMPlayer 5.0 didn't work with simulator beta2, and by using VMPlayer 4.x the simulator ran fine.

While I googled for solutions, I saw some VMPlayer setting suggestions and figured I might as well document them below:
  1. Make sure set memory to at least 1G, hard disk to 8G.
  2. Set CPU to dual-core if your system has multiple cores.
  3. Enable 3D acceleration.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

What's next?

It has been well-over a year since the last post and a lot have changed.

Stockona lives on to expand to cover Symbian as well, and is now a lot more mature than it was a year ago. But the natural question for me (and I guess for every Qt developers) is, where should I go next?

At the start of 2012, it looked very much like Nokia's Meltemi and BlackBerry were two viable options. Then Meltemi got canceled when it was in last stage of development. BB also looked shaky and didn't guarantee longer-term platform stability. (At that time rumors flied that BB might consider WP8 as well.) The first half of the year really looked dark in terms of Qt mobile development. All of a sudden, Jolla appeared out of nowhere and the Mer/Nemo Mobile initiative suddenly made a lot of sense. Blackberry also reaffirmed their determination to weather through the launch of BB10 and here we are, waiting for both companies to launch their first Qt phones.

The Jolla story has been vague for now, they said very little except existing Harmattan app will almost instant work on Jolla devices. My guess is that Jolla will have their own Qt components so developers only need to change the import and re-compile. This sounds like music but the problem for Jolla is of course they have to gain market share from zero.

At this point, BB10 seems to be a better bet. It has a large user base and I think many current iPhone/Android users have owned Blackberry at one time. With major operators offering the devices, I think BB10 will be reasonably successful. The one problem I see with BB10 the UI might be too abstract and complicated that more novice users (iPhone users...) will have a steep initial learning curve getting used to the wide array of gestures and different menus/toolbars in the UX.

Development-wise, BB10 has its own IDE and seems like BB only intends to provide some of the Qt components (e.g. Dialog, sheet) but not the full suite of Qt components in their own version. It is a shame, because I think Qt component is such a good initiative to ease UI development for individual developers. I started learning BB10's Cascade and so far it looks like the porting is reasonably doable. The pagestack navigation concept is almost equivalent to Cascade's navigation panel. Many Harmattan Qt component have equivalent ones in Cascade. One useful component that is missing is the SelectionDialog, but I won't complain about such minor issue. The real pain for me is to use BB10 IDE. The interface is plain ugly. The BB10 simulator just doesn't work for me and without a simulator I cannot test UI and see how to customize BB10 UI concept to fit into Stockona's need. The situation is similar to when I started working on Harmattan version, just that at least QtSDK has Qt Designer to at least see UI mockup. I am attending next week's Blackberry Jam developer conference, and hope I got the answer and also got an Alpha device to work on.

In summary, I guess my plan is as simple as wherever Qt goes and I go....