Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reminder for Stockona users about impending closure of Google Finance API

Just a friendly reminder to Stockona users:

Google will terminate Finance API on Oct 25, and Google portfolio will no longer works afterwards. For Harmattan and Symbian users, this means you need to set "Bypass Google login" to continue using Stockona. A future update will eliminate Google authentication. For Maemo 5 users, unfortunately this will be the end of the road since I didn't implement local portfolio feature in Maemo 5's version.

I am aware there is an app to run Harmattan app on Maemo 5 and Qt component for fremantle. My N900 died so I cannot test them myself, but I am open to provide the necessary support for people to experiment with those options. If you are interested, contact me through stockona@ovi.com.

Thanks again for using Stockona, and as always feedback are welcomed.

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