Friday, July 22, 2011

Porting to Harmattan (1)

Building the deb using QtSDK was pretty straightforward. All I did was install the experimental Harmattan components and removed so I could re-select targets.

However, the deployment was a little cumbersome. First, I need to change to root by:
devel-su, then type in password "rootme"

At first the system wouldn't install, later after some googling and try-n-err I found out it was due to me leaving the package manager running in the background. After installing the app, I could launch the app in terminal by the app name, without needing to pre-pend "" as in Maemo 5.

Then I found three blockers:
1) VKB stays visible once launched.
2) App stays in landscape mode.
3) After a few launches, an empty toolbar showed up along the bottom of the screen and stayed there afterwards.

I got the feeling that the software on N950 is a bit unstable because there are inconsistencies in the behaviors of Stockona. And since the camera app is not working on my unit, I decide to do a reflash and call it a day, or a night to be precise.

The good thing is, I found a bug in the app during the process.

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